Do Raccoons Hibernate

Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services, LLC.

A full-service animal wildlife trapping, removal and pest control company – Licensed and Insured!

Do Raccoons Hibernate

Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services, LLC.

A full-service animal wildlife trapping, removal and pest control company – Licensed and Insured!

Do Raccoons Hibernate?

Do Raccoons Hibernate In Winter

Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services, LLC., is Licensed and Insured, and Provides Both Residential and Commercial Raccoon Removal Services.


Do Raccoons Hibernate In Winter? Raccoons are one of the most fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom. They are known for their cleverness, dexterity, and adaptability. But when the cold season arrives, many people wonder if raccoons hibernate in winter like some other animals. In this article, we’ll explore whether raccoons hibernate, how they prepare for the winter, and other interesting facts about these creatures.

The short answer is no, raccoons do not hibernate in Winter in the traditional sense. Hibernation is a state of dormancy that some animals enter during the winter months to conserve energy and survive the harsh conditions. However, raccoons do not go into a deep sleep like hibernators do. Instead, they enter a state of torpor, which is a light sleep that lasts for several days at a time.

During torpor, a raccoon’s metabolic rate slows down, and its body temperature drops slightly. This helps the raccoon conserve energy and survive the cold winter months. However, raccoons are not completely inactive during torpor. They may wake up periodically to look for food or water, or to move to a new den if necessary.

How Do Raccoons Prepare for Winter?

While raccoons do not hibernate in the traditional sense, they do take steps to prepare for the winter. One of the most important things they do is to find a warm and secure den where they can ride out the cold weather. Raccoons may use a variety of den types, including hollow trees, burrows, and even attics or crawl spaces in human homes.

Before winter arrives, raccoons will also begin to store up fat reserves to help them survive the winter months. They may eat more food than usual, including high-calorie foods like nuts, fruits, and seeds. This extra weight helps to insulate their bodies and provide them with the energy they need to make it through the winter.


Interesting Facts About Raccoons

  • Raccoons are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night.
  • They have a highly developed sense of touch, which they use to explore their surroundings.
  • Raccoons are very adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats, including forests, wetlands, and urban areas.
  • They have a reputation for being mischievous and are known for getting into trash cans and other food sources.



In summary, raccoons do not hibernate in the traditional sense, but they do enter a state of torpor during the winter months to conserve energy. They also take steps to prepare for the winter, such as finding a warm den and storing up fat reserves. These fascinating creatures are known for their adaptability and cleverness, and are a common sight in many parts of the world.


Quick Information & Facts About Raccoons

Are Raccoons Dangerous?

Raccoon Damage

Raccoons In Chimneys

Raccoons In Walls

Baby Raccoons

Raccoon Diet

Raccoons In Crawl Spaces

Raccoons In Roofs & In Soffits

Dead Raccoon Removal

Raccoon Scat (Feces, Poop)

Raccoons In Houses

Raccoon Sounds

Raccoon Diseases

Raccoons In Yards

Raccoons In Trash

Raccoon Tracks (Footprints)

Do Raccoons Hibernate In Winter?

Raccoons In Basements

Raccoons In Trees

Raccoons In Attics & Ceilings


Schedule Our Services

We here at Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services know how difficult and stressful it is to have raccoons in your home, so that’s why we offer our professional services to all the residents of Virginia. We’ll make sure to remove these pesky animals before they cause too much damage, and we will keep your home in excellent condition. So make sure to contact us today at (804) 457-2883 to learn more about our raccoon removal services!


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Charlottesville Raccoon Removal and Trapping

Richmond Raccoon Trapping and Removal


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VPWRS Can Solve Your Problems!

  1. Scratching Noises In Your Attic, Walls, Or Crawlspace?
  2. Unwanted Animal Wildlife In Your Home, Business or Property?
  3. Bats In Your Attic?
  4. Birds In Your Dryer And Bathroom Vents?
  5. Problem Bird Or Bat Infestation?
  6. Animals In Your Chimney Or Fireplace?
  7. Digging In Your Lawn Or Under Your House, Deck Or Garage?
  8. Dead Animal Problems?
  9. Animal Odor Problems?
  10. Chewing Sounds In Your Attic Or Crawl Space?
  11. Animals Damaging Your Wiring, Insulation, Fascia, Soffits, And The Wood In Your Home?
  12. Animal Feces Removal?
  13. Attic Restorations And Clean-Up Needed?
  14. Raccoons In The Attic?

VPWRS Extensive Services

Virginia Professional Wildlife Removal Services provides nuisance wildlife removal, animal control, predator control, pest control, nuisance wildlife exclusion, and wildlife clean-up services.


We have experience handling bats, beavers, birds, Canada geese, chipmunks, coyotes, deer, foxes, groundhogs, mice, moles, raccoons, rats, opossums, otters, skunks, squirrels, snakes, voles, muskrats, bobcats, Copperhead snakes, pigeons, and other species of Virginia wildlife.


We operate our business within accepted industry standards and best practices, and in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.

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